It's been a busy time for me since my last post and a busy time in the garden too, so time for a quick update.
We've been continuing to harvest eggplants, the four eggplant seedlings I put in last year have been incredibly prolific and are still producing an abundant amount. Our tomatoes ( I think they were called something like Marmande?) bigger than our usual cherry tomatoes have started to produce but we've lost heaps to big green caterpillars that seem to find them irresistable. In an effort to help minimise the loss I ordered a harvest protection kit from Green Harvest. What a great kit! (but more about that later). Our chillies have been really productive and in general things are doing well.
The cucumbers came to a swift caterpillar eaten end and we're removed in defeat!
Eggplants (Aubergines) still going strong, abundant chillies and tomatoes
A few bits grabbed for a quick dinner. Still harvesting leeks, kale, asian greens, basil and heads forming on my first successful broccoli.
Winter vegetables like broccoli are just coming into their own and the garden is planted up with lots of kale and some asian greens as well. The peas are now plentiful as well, but unfortunately they even didn't make it into a photo, let alone the kitchen.
What's doing well in your garden right now?
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