Today in the garden I was pleased to see that my chilli bush, not the small birdseye chillies, but slightly larger less hot, chilli bush was flowering again and so too were my capsicum plants I'd started from seed from Green Harvest. The chilli bush in wicking bed number 4, the same bed as the capsicums has already got some chillies forming on it.
A rather blurry picture of the chilli flowers
Also in flower is my smaller mandarin, which hasn't yet fruited. The other older one has fruit on it at the moment and had fruit last year as well, not much but enough that we turned it into jam.
The mandarin flowering.
Also in flower today was one of the turmeric plants. This plant and a few others has been grown from tubers bought last year from a farmers market. I couldn't believe my luck at the time. I'd paid nearly $20 for a turmeric plant from the nursery a couple of months before, and for $3 from the market I got a small bag full of sad looking tubers. Amazingly enough most of them came up, even some that I'd accidentally dropped in the grass managed to survive and grow. This one was just tossed in a half empty pot with an almost dead ginger plant, and now with a little water and love, I have a flowering plant.
Turmeric flower. |
And lastly still flowering well and still producing well, our eggplants in bed number two. After we'd picked what I thought would be the last of the eggplants (aubergines for the non Australian), I cut back any scrappy dead looking leaves, gave the plants a tidy up and then top dressed their soil with more compost. And then they started flowering again, and producing more eggplants for us to gobble,
Eggplant flowering after being cut back and it's soil redressed with a good amount of compost. |
Eggplant almost ready for harvest.
And last but not least we also picked some fruit from our lemonade tree. The yellow looked fabulous in the bowl with the purple eggplants. Now we just have to make plans for eating it.
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