I've had my beautiful girls, Naughty, Henrietta, Larry and Buffy since just after Christmas 3 years ago. They have been a wonderful part of the change my little blue shack has brought for me. My original plan for them was to be willing workers, clearing the ground of grass and weeds, allowing me to establish garden beds, eating bugs, and in general being of service in my garden. Little did I realise how many contented hours would be spent with a cup of tea in hand, just watching them roam about the garden. It's been a relevation to me in so many ways, from a naive start(I didn't think for one second they'd eat plants, in retrospect, how stupid was I) until today, they have been an incredible source of learning and company.
Well, today I welcome two new girls, Alice and Wendy. I haven't met them yet, but feel like it's a meant to be thing. I met their current owner a couple of weeks ago. She had overheard me talking with hubby about it being time to move the chook house again and mentioned she needed to move soon and was looking for someone to give her two girls a home.
When I first investigated the idea of having chickens, I had thoughts of keeping about 10. The chook houses are both designed large enough to take this number in comfort, but I was contented with the four I first introduced. If you're wondering how I arrived at four instead of 10 it's because I got overwhelmed making the choice of which ones I would have from a large assortment. I ended up with a white one (Naughty, named by my niece and nephews because apparently that's all they heard me saying to it for the first few days!!!), a brown one, Larry, as she was always on her own at first, a peach one, Buffy, named after the vampire slayer as she is always the protective one when it comes to other birds entering their space, and lastly Henrietta, the baby (bantam) who is black. Four different colours so I could tell them apart. I had always intended to introduce a new chicken each year and slowly add to my little flock. I hadn't done this yet. After seeing the four girls in action, I don't think my garden could survive more than 6 anyways, so I've held off waiting for the right opportunity. I didn't know how old each of the girls were when I first got them, or if they'd even lay. Originally all the girls would lay an egg each every day or so, which was a bonus over their required work duties in the garden, but they've slowed down now. And I had been contemplating getting the extras because now I've been spoilt with our own girls eggs, I hate eating store bought eggs.
And so fate has had a hand and this morning I'll be welcoming two more girls to our little family. I'm excited and anxious all at the same time, I hope everyone will get along, I hope my girls will accept them and they'll be happy in their new home too. Only time will tell.
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